Posts tagged testing

Floopy Investigates the Joy of Silicone Toys

Let me say that I am a big fan of sex toys. And this is important, because I think it makes me something of an authority on them. You must too, or you wouldn’t be here reading this stuff. Either that or you’re here looking for new fap material. Well, read on, there’s plenty of both ahead.

Surgical grade silicone is probably the most marvellous material ever that sex toys could possibly be made out of. It’s durable, pleasant to the touch, smells neutral, and it cleans up a treat.

You have no idea how great it is to know that if Mr Buzzy has been lurking on the carpet for so long he’s covered in dust bunnies & has to be pried off with a crow-bar, that you can just pop him in the dishwasher or into a pot of boiling water, and hey presto, you have a nice, clean vibe. It’s like autoclaving for the DIY lover.

Let me tell you the tale of my first silicone vibe. Actually, it was a matching pair of vibes that I bought on sale – two for the price of one – because the dank Canberra sex shop couldn’t move the stock. I was instantly in love. Those two vibes took all kinds of abuse. Hours of daily use, the aforementioned experiments in carpet-welding (a girl has to bleed sometime!), knocks, bumps, exposure to all kinds of weird chemicals that would normally break a vibe. Last year, some six years after I bought them, they died. Their motors finally crapped out. The silicone is still going strong after six years, so they have merely been delegated to dildo duty. Normally, I expect a vibe to have a bed-life of between three and six months. Not bad for $50 worth of vibes, eh?

All I can say is that even if you aren’t interested in the health aspect of surgical-grade silicone, then the pure economics of the material should steer you right towards it. You can pay up to two and a half times the cost of your average vibe for a silicone vibe that will last longer than the motor in it. You’ll have this baby for at least half a decade if you are hard on it. The average silicone vibe will have paid for itself within two years, and by the time you are on your third glorious year with Ol’ Faithful, you will have saved yourself the cost of at least one more vibe. And you still have that long again to look forward to in the life of your vibe, and that only if you plan on retiring it once the motor has worn out. In the long run you are hurting your wallet not to buy lovely, durable silicone.


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